Green Down Project


Green Down Project

Sanyo sympathizes with the Green Down Project, which aims to create a "Feather Circulation Society", and in 2014 we began planning and selling clothing products that use recycled down "Green Down" for the first time. We have been collecting feather products since 2015.

With the aim of creating a recycling-oriented society and the effective use of limited resources for the purpose of environmental conservation, we will continue to collect down products from our stores in order to further contribute to the realization of a "Feather Circulation Society". As an apparel company, we will promote the reuse of feathers by implementing this campaign and spreading the word that feathers are a recyclable resource.

About the Green Down Project

One company's technology alone will not be able to realize a "Feather Circulation Society". Feather Circulation Society is created through the understanding and cooperation of companies involved in the feathers, local communities, and individual consumers. The Green Down Project promotes this.

As a company participating in the Green Down Project, Sanyo will strive to collect feather products at stores in order to contribute to the realization of a "Feather Circulation Society".

Future Targets

Expansion of collection bases and collection amounts

  • FY2025: Implementation of collection at department stores where possible

Progress in using "Green Down" by brand

Unit: pieces

  2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
WOMEN AMACA 500 400 1,100 800 500 500 390
EVEX by KRIZIA 4,200 4,500 4,000 3,200 3,400 2,550 2,020
Paul Stuart - - - - - - 800
TRANS WORK - - 2,000 700 570 1,500 1,130
Paul Stuart - - - - - 541 -
THE SCOTCH HOUSE - - - 700 800 800 1,700
  Total 4,700 4,900 7,100 5,400 5,270 5,891 11,660