

Further promotion of CSR procurement

Through partnerships, we will work to address human rights and
eliminate disparities and discrimination throughout the supply chain

1 No Poverty 10 Reduced Inequalities 12 Responsible Consumption and Production 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions 17 Partnerships for the Goals


Creating a rewarding workplace that respects diversity

We will support employees with diverse backgrounds to maximize their abilities and create an environment in which each individual can play an active role

3 Good Health and Well-being 4 Quality Education 5 Gender Equality 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
Human rights policy

Based on the Basic Policy on Sustainability and this policy, Sanyo strives to respect human rights through its business activities as follows:

Furthermore, based on the "SANYO Code of Conduct" established in line with this policy, we further promote CSR procurement by collaborating with various parties in the supply chain.

1. Respect for human rights in business activities

In addition to not infringing on human rights ourselves in our business activities, we strive to prevent human rights violations from occurring through collaboration with related parties in the supply chain.

2. Respect for international norms regarding human rights

We respect the following:

  • 10 principles in the four areas (human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption) defined by the United Nations Global Compact and the "Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights"
  • "OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct" based on the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
  • International Labour Organization (ILO)'s "Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work"

3. Compliance with applicable laws and regulations

We comply with the laws and regulations of the relevant countries and regions in our business activities and the supply chain both domestically and internationally.

4. Management system

We develop a management system that includes audits and quantitative evaluations regarding our efforts to respect human rights. Additionally, the Board of Directors supervises our compliance status with this policy and the status of our efforts.

5. Human rights due diligence

We implement human rights due diligence to identify and evaluate the negative impact on human rights associated with our business activities and to prevent and correct human rights violations.

6. Human rights issues related to business activities

Child labor

We do not tolerate child labor and adhere to the minimum working age stipulated by law. Additionally, we do not allow anyone under the age of 18 to engage in hazardous work.

Forced labor

We do not tolerate forced labor, including unpaid labor, compulsory labor, bonded labor, or any form of human trafficking.

Work hours / wages

We appropriately manage employees' work hours, holidays, vacation, and wages in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.


We do not discriminate on the basis of gender, age, nationality, region, race, skin color, political beliefs, maternal status, sexual orientation, religion, social background, etc. We respect the individuality and diversity of each employee and strive to create an environment, where diverse human resources can demonstrate their individual abilities to the fullest.

Freedom of association and the collective bargaining rights

We respect the freedom of association and collective bargaining rights of employees in labor-management relations.

Occupational safety and health

In accordance with applicable laws and regulations, we develop a workplace environment, where each and every employee can continue to work in a healthy, safe, and secure manner.

7. Engagement with stakeholders

We believe it is important to understand a wide range of perspectives of stakeholders on human rights issues. Therefore, we value conversations with stakeholders and appropriately respond to human rights issues related to our business activities.

8. Correction / Relief

In the event that it becomes clear that our business activities have a negative impact on human rights or that human rights violations have occurred in business relationships in our supply chain, we will take steps to correct and provide relief through appropriate procedures.

9. Grievance mechanism

We develop an effective system for reporting and handling complaints in order to understand and respond in a timely manner to human rights issues related to employees and our business activities.

10. Education on human rights

We provide education and promote awareness activities necessary for our officers and employees to understand this policy and execute actions based on this policy in their individual work.

11. Disclosure of information

We regularly disclose information through our corporate website regarding our efforts and progress on resolving environmental issues under this policy.