Human Capital Policies and Information Disclosure


Sanyo formulates action plans and monitors progress on human capital investment in the Company under the "Human Capital Project (hereinafter referred to as "PJ")", which is under the direct control of the Management Meeting.

The Human Capital PJ, launched in September 2023, is headed by the Executive Managing Officer and General Manager of Personnel & Administration Division and comprised of members from the Personnel Dept. and the Corporate Management Division. The matters discussed in the PJ are decided at and approved by the Management Meeting. They are regularly reported to the Board of Directors, thereby creating a system that allows the Board of Directors to appropriately monitor the matters.


We have formulated basic policies related to human capital based on our management strategy.

Human capital policy

Sanyo Shokai strives to improve organizational strength by maximizing the abilities of individuals through the development of professional human resources and the development of personnel infrastructure and by integrating individuals with diverse knowledge and experience.

Views on human resource development / Human resources agenda

We define the human resources necessary for sustainable growth as "Apparel business professionals", "Back office professionals", and "IT / DX human resources". We also work to recruit and develop human resources, who will respond sensitively to changes in the society and be responsible for the growth and development of our business, and to pass on this know-how.

Views on the development of personnel infrastructure

We strive to improve employee engagement and strengthen organizational strength by placing the right people in the right jobs, creating systems that provide job satisfaction, fostering a corporate culture, and providing opportunities for voluntary learning.

Apparel business professionals

We train new graduates by placing them in general positions in their 20's and 30's for them to gain experience in a wide range of jobs / brands to become human resources who will be responsible for business operations that increase our brand values. We pass on our know-how to the future by improving the technical, product, and sales service capabilities of professionals and sales personnel and creating an environment, where these skills can be shared.

Back office professionals

We strengthen the recruitment of experienced personnel in order to form a professional group of employees who are familiar with back office matters. In addition, from the perspective of developing career-track employees, we provide support for acquiring qualifications necessary for work, assign young career-track employees to back-office departments, and provide job rotation with business departments.

IT / DX human resources

In order to acquire the necessary IT / DX skills regardless of departments / generations, we develop a training program for all employees and encourage all eligible employees to participate. In addition, in order to ensure stable organizational management for IT / DX-related operations, senior employees are retrained and transferred to IT / DX-related departments.

Optimization of personnel composition and personnel allocation

From the perspective of both human resource development and organizational management, we implement proactive job rotation and recruit human resources with diverse backgrounds. We also develop an optimal human resources portfolio for the entire company based on the organizational constants required for business activities.

Promotion of diversity and inclusion

We foster an environment and culture in which employees with diverse experiences and values respect one another and feel motivated to work, regardless of time or location.

Relearning by employees

We provide employees with opportunities for voluntary relearning and promote job rotation and reassignment to fields where they can utilize their past experience and newly-acquired knowledge and skills.

Improvement of employee engagement

We promote improved employee engagement in order to evolve into a strong organization, where employees are proud to work for the Company and want to contribute to the organization they work for.

Risk management

In our human capital PJ, we identify our company's human capital issues and analyze their risks and opportunities. In addition, we formulate an action plan based on the analysis results and report it to the Management Meeting.

In particular, changes in the workforce composition caused by a decline in the working population due to the declining birthrate and aging population are reflected in the formulation of action plans for recruitment, training, relearning, reassignment, etc., based on our current situation and future forecasts.

Metrics and Targets

Main KPIs and progress status

Categories KPIs FY2022 Results FY2023 Results
Development of Human Resources Ratio of new graduate general-track employees reaching the age of 30 and working in two or more job titles and two or more brands
75.0% 66.7%
Ratio of new graduate general-track employees reaching the age of 40 and working in three or more job titles and two or more brands
88.9% 100%
Number of new graduate career-track employees aged 35 or younger with back-office department experience: 5 or more
3 people 2 people
Number of IT training participants / Participation rate: 100%
Training not implemented Training not implemented
Establishment of a personnel infrastructure Ratio of women in managerial positions: 20%
7.8% 9.4%
Gender wage gap: 72%
(FY2026 / ratio of women when men=1 /all job types*)
  • all job types:Main career track, Specialists, General employees, and Full-time sales staff
69.8% 68.9%
Ratio of men taking childcare leave: 100%
Men: 30.0%
(Women: 100%)
Men: 25.0%
(Women: 100%)
Foreign employment rate: 3%
0.85% 0.96%
Employee engagement score: 55.0
43.0 50.8
Number of new graduates / mid-career hires in their 20's and 30's: 20 people/year
22 people 17 people
3-year retention rate for new graduates: 85 % or higher
76.5% 80.0%