Establishment of a personnel infrastructure to provide job satisfaction

Sanyo strives to create a working environment and foster a corporate culture in which employees with diverse backgrounds and values can work without being constrained by time or place and respect each other.

In order to evolve into a strong organization in which all employees are proud to work for us and want to grow and contribute ambitiously, we will promote improved employee engagement.

In addition, we will implement job rotation and replenish personnel with diverse backgrounds, and develop an optimum human resources portfolio for the entire company based on the organizational constant necessary for business activities.

Promotion of female employees activities

In March 2022, we established the Diversity Promotion Section in the Human Resources Department to promote the active participation of women, who account for approximately 60% of our employees.

We will implement a variety of initiatives from the three perspectives of career development, management training, and employment continuity support for female employees.

We aim to achieve a Ratio of women in manageria positions of 20% by fiscal 2026 by developing our own career vision without being constrained by existing concepts, providing training focused on developing skills to achieve this vision, and training candidates for managerial positions.

Action Plan and Progress Based on the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace

In accordance with the Law Concerning the Promotion of Women's Active Participation in Occupational Life enacted on April 1, 2016, we have formulated an action plan for general employers and published information.

Planning period

April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2026

Quantitative Targets

Increase the percentage of women in management positions to 20% or more.

  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Targets for FY2026
Ratio of women in manageria positions 7.5% 7.8% 9.4% 20%

Other information on the active participation of women

Percentage of female employees among recruited workers (including mid-career recruits)

  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Percentage of female employees 65.1% 60.4% 65.9%

Average length of service for men and women

  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Men 15.2 years 16.1 years 17.0 years
Women 12.6 years 13.3 years 14.0 years
Improvement of wage gap between men and women

There is a gap in wages between men and women due to differences in the utilization ratio of the short-term plan and the ratio of managers. We will improve the wage gap between men and women by promoting initiatives to improve various issues related to working styles and by developing and promoting female managers.

There is almost no difference in the wage gap between men and women in all job categories except for career-track employees. However, the reason is that the ratio of women in career-track positions in managerial positions is low, and the ratio of women using the short-term working hours system accounts for about 20% of all women.

  • Average wages include non-standard wages and bonuses, such as overtime allowances, in addition to standard wages.


  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Targets for FY2026
Gender wage gap 71.0% 69.8% 68.9% 72.0%
  • Percentage of women when male is set as 1

By employment type

  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Full-time employees 70.3% 69.3% 68.3%
Non-regular employee 81.5% 78.8% 82.2%
  • Percentage of women when male is set as 1

By job type

  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Main career track 77.2% 79.0% 79.8%
Specialists 86.3% 83.6% 84.1%
General employees 102.9% 104.6% 101.5%
Full-time sales staff 88.4% 87.2% 87.9%
  • Percentage of women when male is set as 1

Promote taking of child-care leave

In line with our support program for balancing work and childcare, we support employees to take childcare leave and promote their understanding of childcare support.

In conjunction with the enactment of the Revised Childcare and Family Care Leave Law, we established an in-house consultation service in April 2022. In October of the same year, we revised the child care support system regulations and worked to ensure that all employees were fully aware of the key points of the revision to the law.

Going forward, we will continue to develop personnel infrastructures aimed at achieving a balance between employee childcare and work. In addition to working to further support employee childcare, we aim to improve Ratio of men taking childcare leave.

  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Targets for FY2026
Ratio of men taking childcare leave 12.5% 30.0% 25.0% 100%
Ratio of women taking childcare leave 100% 100% 100% 100%
  • Percentage of employees who took childcare leave for spouses or employees who gave birth
Promoting work-life balance

We have put in place a system that supports a diverse range of work styles and balancing work and family and work, creating an environment in which employees can choose more flexible work styles.

Through the utilization of these systems, we will support all employees to improve work efficiency and labor productivity, and promote the creation of a rewarding work environment that realizes a balance between work and life.

Measures System Overview
Support for diverse work styles work remotely Available in combination with half-day paid leave, shortened working hours for childcare and nursing care, and flextime system
Flextime system Flextime system without core time to promote flexible working styles (between 8:00 and 20:00)
Half-day paid holidays Annual paid leave can be taken in half-day increments
rehire For those who wish to apply after retirement, there is a labor contract that is renewed every year.
side job Approval of application after interview with superior
Support for balancing work and family Prenatal/postnatal leave Available for 8 weeks before birth (14 weeks for multiple pregnancies) and 8 weeks after birth
childcare leave Can be taken up to the day before the child turns 2 years old (maximum) after the person or their spouse finishes their postnatal leave
Shortened working hours for childcare Up to 1.5 hours can be reduced from actual working hours by the end of the child's third year of elementary school
Nursing leave for children If you have children who are not yet in school, you can take up to 5 days per year (from January 1st to December 31st) (10 days if there are two or more eligible children).
Nursing care leave The application period can be obtained within one year (from the day after the scheduled start date of nursing care leave until the day one year has passed).
Nursing care leave/shorter working hours for nursing care In principle, scheduled working hours can be shortened by up to 1 hour in 30 minutes increments for at least 1 month and up to 1 year at a time.
Promoting employment for the disabled

We aim to create a vibrant workplace where everyone can work comfortably, regardless of whether or not they have disabilities. By creating a workplace environment, we are striving to provide employees with disabilities with opportunities to demonstrate their abilities and to establish a workplace in place.

We are promoting the "promotion of understanding of the employment of people with disabilities" through ongoing in-house training and retention interviews.

  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Targets for FY2026
Employment ratio of the disabled 2.06% 2.15% 2.05% 2.7%
Employment of Foreign Nationals

From the perspective of securing diversity and improving productivity, we will actively recruit foreign human resources and incorporate diverse values into product development and sales services, leading to an increase in corporate value.

  FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Targets for FY2027
Foreign employment rate 0.65% 0.85% 0.96% 3.0%
Efforts to Enhance Employee Engagement

Through our engagement survey, we quantify the strength of the "relationship between the company and its employees, and the relationship of trust." In this way, we will visualize the state of the current organization, and work to identify and improve issues for each division.

We are also working to improve operations and opportunities for dialogue with management. We aim to further improve the motivation of our employees as a whole and to develop our personnel infrastructure to evolve into a strong organization that takes pride in working for us and wants to grow and contribute on its own ambition.

Trends in Engagement Score and Total Satisfaction

  • Research firm average of 50 scores
  • 5 stages for each area

Current issues

In previous surveys, we found that many of our employees responded positively to the satisfaction level of their work, feel pride in their work, and engage in their work with a strong willingness to contribute.

In the 2023 engagement survey, scores increased significantly in many organizations from the previous survey, resulting in higher satisfaction levels.

However, there was a gap between men and women in the level of satisfaction with this score, and women were less satisfied with their supervisors than men.

In particular, we recognize the development of a work environment that encourages women to play an active role and the ideal form of support for supervisors as issues to be addressed. To make improvements, we will implement training on reforming the awareness of supervisors and supporting women's career development.

FY2023 Engagement Score Women Men Difference
46.1 54.7 -8.6

Metrics and Targets

In the 2023 Engagement Survey, we achieved the goal of raising the employee engagement score by 10 points (compared to 2019 levels), which was set as a target for 2026.

We have reconfigured our future KPI to "Employee Engagement Score 55.0 (fiscal 2027)" in order to further improve our engagement, as the correlation is recognized between the increase in the engagement score and the improvement in labor productivity.

Results and Targets to Date

  FY2019 FY2022 FY2023 Targets for FY2027
Engagement Score 39.8 43.0 50.8 55.0
Engagement Score rating C CC B BBB

Reference: Engagement Score/Rating Conversion Table

  • On the strength of the "engagement score" of the organization, which is the relationship between the company and its employees Figures are expressed in 11 steps up to AAA ~ DD.
Conversation with the president

As part of our employee engagement program, we hold direct dialogues with mid-level and young employees nationwide.

The objective is to improve employee engagement by communicating a message from top management and listening to the opinions of participants, creating opportunities for two-way communication, deepening mutual understanding between top management and employees, and further strengthening the link between the company and employees.

In addition, we do not provide discussion themes. By having participants freely discuss questions, questions, proposals, and requests, we identify issues faced by on-site employees and work to improve them with a sense of speed.


FY2020: 299 persons in 51 groups

FY2022: 282 persons in 46 groups

FY2023: 300 persons in 50 groups