Reduction of GHG emissions
We are working to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which are considered to be a cause of climatechange, in order to reduce our environmental impact.
Managing GHG emissions by the sustainability committee
In September 2021, we established the Sustainability Committee. This committee sets targets for reducing GHG emissions, and comprehensively plans and manages measures to conserve energy and collaborate with suppliers.
We will continue to monitor and disclose quantitative information to achieve this goal.
- Reduce GHG emissions of Scope1 and 2 by 50% from fiscal 2019 levels by fiscal 2030
- Reduce GHG emissions of Scope3 by 30% from fiscal 2019 levels by fiscal 2030
- Achieve net zero Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by fiscal 2050
Efforts to Reduce Energy Use
The Law Concerning the Rational Use of Energy (Energy Conservation Law) sets a goal of reducing energy consumption by at least 1% per year. To achieve this goal, we are promoting energy conservation by installing LED lights in our stores and offices and by sharing awareness of energy conservation.
In November 2022, we switched to LED illumination at our Tokyo Head Office building, and since then, electricity consumption in the building has been reduced by 8% compared to the previous year.
We are working to reduce energy consumption by internally educating employees about turning off unnecessary lights in our offices, switching OFF unnecessary air conditioning, checking for turning off lights and switches when leaving the office, and reducing paper consumption through the use of data.
We are also gradually switching to energy-efficient OA equipment.
Unit energy consumption per year
2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Reduction from the previous year (%) | ▲1.8 | ▲6.8 | ▲4.9 | +2.3 | ▲3.3 | ▲0.5 |
Actual progress: Domestic offices
(Tokyo Head Office, Osaka Branch, Nagoya Branch, Fukuoka Branch, Sapporo Sales Office, directly managed offices)
2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Electricity consumption (Thousand kWh) | 5,033 | 4,682 | 3,638 | 3,735 | 3,587 | 3,563 |
Gas consumption (Thousand ㎥) | 156 | 112 | 120 | 120 | 133 | 134 |
Water consumption (Thousand ㎥)* | 13 | 13 | 9 | 8 | 8 | 8 |
- Water usage is the total for the Tokyo head office and directly managed stores, excluding 3 branches and 1 sales office.
Initiatives for expanding renewable energy use
Approximately 80% of our GHG emissions from our Scope1 2 are from electricity consumption. In order to achieve our goal of reducing Scope1 2 emissions by 50% by fi fiscal 2030 compared to fi fiscal 2019, we planned to switch our buildings to electricity that emits no CO2 by 2030. Then, in December 2024, the Tokyo Head Office Building was switched to 100% renewable energy power.
Initiatives throughout the supply chain
Modeling of own factories with the aim of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
We conduct regular inspections of the equipment at our garment factories in Aomori and Fukushima to quantitatively manage GHG emissions. We share issues with plant managers, formulate plans for reducing greenhouse GHG emissions, and conduct monitoring. We work to model our own factories in order to contribute to the resolution of environmental issues.
As part of our internal awareness-raising efforts, we held information sharing meetings for all plant employees. In this way, we will promote further energy conservation that leads to the minimization of costs and resources, improvement of operational efficiency, digitization, energy conversion, and waste reduction efforts in cooperation with the field. We also aim to create a sustainable system that will lead to problem-solving by verifying the results of our activities and sharing information throughout the supply chain.
Information sharing meeting for all plant employees (held in June 2023)

Sharing information to reduce GHG emissions in the supply chain

Examples of activities
Switch to LED for all lights at plants
(Completed in September 2016 at Aomori and August 2014 at Fukushima)
Local production for local consumption project by D2C
(Aomori: Started direct sales of plant in October 2019, opened EC website)
Announced plans incorporating "Aomori-ai" on crowdfunding platform
(August 2021, August 2022, August 2023, October 2024)
Change of plant electricity to electricity plan with zero CO2 emission factor
(Aomori: Switchover from January 2024, Fukushima: November 2024)
Improvement of boiler efficiency and partial introduction of electric boilers
(Fukushima: Implemented in August 2024)
GHG emissions from our plants
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
GHG emissions (t) | 1,019 | 934 | 880 | 877 | 859 |