Stakeholder Engagement

Sanyo recognizes the importance of continuously communicating with its stakeholders and listening seriously to their views and reflecting them in management in order to achieve sustainable growth and increase corporate value over the medium to long term. To this end, we will actively provide opportunities for dialogue with our shareholders/investors, customers, business partners, employees and local communities.

Regarding relations with stakeholders, including shareholders, we have defined "Basic sustainability policy" as "We will do our utmost to resolve the issues facing the fashion industry in order to earn the satisfaction and confidence of all stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, customers, business partners, employees, and local communities," and we are responding appropriately in accordance with this policy.

Chart of the Stakeholder Engagement
Stakeholder Key engagement opportunities Outline of Implementation
Shareholders and investors
  • General Meeting of Shareholders
  • Financial results briefing
  • SR meeting
  • IR meeting

We hold a briefing on our financial results once every six months, and hold 1on1 meetings and small meetings as appropriate. In order to make this dialogue meaningful, we are actively disclosing information, including in English, on our website and on a timely basis.

  • Corporate website and SNS
  • Sanyo Membership
  • Customer service and product NPS surveys
  • Customer Support

We have established customer inquiry desks on corporate websites, SNS, and customer support. In addition, through the Sanyo Membership membership membership program, we have direct connections with customers to reflect their opinions and requests in our corporate activities. As of February 2024, the number of registered users exceeded 1.6 million.

Business partners
  • CSR Plant Audit
  • QC meetings and other plant visits
  • Regular meetings with factories (held at Tokyo headquarters)
  • Business partner compliance consultation/reporting desk

Meetings are held once every six months to share input plans and improve quality. Staff from the head office and overseas subsidiaries visit plants on a regular basis to build and maintain relationships of trust.

  • Employee engagement program
    - Conversation with the president
    - Engagement survey
  • In-house intranet/in-house magazine app
  • Sanyo Alarm System

As an employee engagement program, we hold conversations with the president, a forum for two-way communication between management and employees, and conduct activities to visualize and improve organizational engagement.
Employee are working to create a work environment that respects each employee and enables them to demonstrate their autonomy and creativity.

Local community
  • Contribution through Business
  • Social Contribution Activities
    - UTO activities
    - Clothing Education Activities

We aim to contribute to the sustainable growth and development of local communities and coexist with local communities through Social Contribution Activities in areas such as environmental training and clothing development in Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, where our head office is located, and business activities in Aomori and Fukushima prefectures, where our own plants are located.

Implementation of Dialogue with Stakeholders

Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors

Dialogue with Business Partners

Multi-Stakeholder Policy

In corporate management, Sanyo will formulate the Multi-Stakeholder Policy and engage in appropriate collaboration with multi-stakeholders in light of the importance of value co-creation not only with shareholders, but also with a diverse range of stakeholders, including employees, business partners, customers, and local communities.

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